original pre-build review: 12/18/2016
This is the Revell 1:480 scale, Baltimore class, heavy cruiser USS Helena, initially released in 1954. It’s been reissued several times, originally as the USS Los Angeles CA-125 and lastly as the USS Pittsburgh CA-72.
It’s one of three kits I’m thinking of building next, the other 2 are the
Nichimo Myoko and the Revell Yorktown.
Bad first impressions
This one’s an oldy and of the three, will no doubt be the biggest challenge. The only things I actually like about it are the scale (close to 1/450), price (eBay $15.00) and the fact that it’s a WW2 US Cruiser.
It’s frustrating when a kit has poor or little detail. It’s worse when the detail present needs to be removed because it’s so bad. To do this kit up right (and I’m not sure I will) I’ll need to remove quite a bit and then mostly scratch build replacement details. I haven’t done any research on the lower hull design yet but it’s a chronic fail on these old Revell kits and may be the deal breaker on weather or not I put any real effort into this build. The fact that there are no props included fills me with dread. I’ll be sure to post some hate as the truth comes to light…
Kit pictures:

Hull of a lot’a work
Update 6/18/2017:
I started Helena after Yorktown. It looked like the hull would make or break this project so I began there. I got lucky and things went better than expected. I cut the old stern bottom off then used a CD case cover to patch it. I heated the cover till pliable and rolled like dough with a (heated) glass tumbler. This gave the cover the desired tapered curve. I then cut out a decent (the least wavy) section, trimmed it to fit (more or less) and filled the gaping hole, gluing it in place from the inside of the hull. A bunch of plastic filler, scraping and sanding later and you get the first update pics. I used the other (black) side of the CD case and made the raised divider. more plastic filler and more sanding and you get the latter update pics. Found an old parts tree that had a long flat section, cut it in half length-wise and glued on my new keels. For bonus points I spent some quality time trimming the deck rails off.
Enough for the first weekend!

I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it
Update 6/26/2017:
Bone sawed the bridge into workable pieces so I can open it up and add: catwalks, rails, shielding, stairs, ladders….

Update 7/2/2017:
After putting Humpty back together I then added the details I wanted. I got lucky (a lot) and am very happy with the modifications. I added some mock-up pictures below. Nothing shown is glued down yet, except the details on the superstructure pieces.

Update 7/5/2017:
More mock-ups, still little glued down but a lot more painted! Spent about 6 hrs on the 5″ guns, ok – not a great investment… Added new rangefinders and radar more PE rails. Next big task: the props!

Update 7/6/2017:
Things are getting more real and less mock-uppish. The main turrets have been secured to the deck and the deck glued to the hull. I used display stands from an old Revell Missouri parts kit and glued them to the hull as well. The props and rudder are also in place and complete. I haven’t glued much else down yet, soon though. She’s about 80% complete.

Update 7/8/2017:
Not a mock-up! I’ve got all my pre-assembly painting and PE work done and have finally glued everything down. Still only about 85% complete.

Update 7/15/2017:
Helena is about 95% complete, just the PE hull rails, rigging, and weathering to go. Pretty much where I stall on most of my projects…
I easily spent over 20 hrs correcting what I considered severe kit flaws (described below). Though with all my modifications, I’m very happy with the outcome. I did have to get ambitious but thankfully I didn’t terminally mess it up and I actually do think they’re solid improvements, so all’s well…
I wish I’d spent a little more time on the Bofors but the time sunk into the 5″ guns, hull and bridge work used up all my patience. Hey – maybe square barrels will make a come back!

Parts not included
Even with the scratch building, not too much was added to this kit.
- I used (mostly) leftover PE:
- stairs
- doors
- ladders
- rails from a new Gold Medal Models railing set
- I cobbled together the twin fire control radars (on the two rebuilt superstructure pieces) from left over 1/350 PE and bits of plastic
- Helena’s float planes were replaced by an unused plane from my Hasegawa Missouri kit
- searchlights from a partial Arizona kit replaced the molded on lumps Revell Helena comes with
- the new:
- stern hull
- props
- prop shafts
- prop mounts
- were built with:
- a cd case
- tiny plastic flowers – Michaels
- thin metal rods – Michaels
- tube plastic – Hobby shop
- lots of filler – Hobby shop
In retrospect
I know I’ve complained a lot but the Revell USS Helena kit does have its moments. For instance, I actually like the deck and its detailing (aside from the molded on rails). The aircraft catapults also look decent (once the planes are remove) and the 8″ turrets are nice too (though range finders would have been nice).
Hummm, definite pattern here…
That said, the prop area of the hull and the superstructure are tide for biggest fail. The 5″ turrets and Bofors are a close second place. To be fair, the worst problems with the 5 inchers might actually stem from worn out molds.
Only time will tell if I get back to finish this build. For now I kind of like her as is.
Update 7/26/2017:
I’ve no explanation… I actually finished a project!
Unbelievably I got around to adding the weathering, hull PE rails and rigging and in a timely manner!
My old school Revell Baltimore class heavy cruiser USS Helena is DONE!
For now…
Update 8/6/2017
I just found an amazing resource for modifying the Revell USS Helena or any of the other Revell Baltimore issues it’s based on at USSHelena.Org. It would be an invaluable resource for a scratch build too. Click the above link to visit the first of their USS Helena pages (their pictures are spread out over 5 or 6 pages). Below is an enlargeable sample thumb from their site.

I wish I had known about USSHelena.Org before I started!
I may still make some changes.
Update: 8/29/2020
I just finished a 3D printed model of this ships predecessor, the Brooklyn Class USS Helena CL50. She’s my most ambitious 3d printed project to date.

USS Helena, Revell 1/480 scale model, 1/450 scale, US Baltimore class Heavy Cruiser, USS Boston, USS Toledo, USS Los Angeles, USS Chicago, American ww2 US heavy cruiser, wwii us cruiser model
link test: French Battleship Charles Martel