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Your models are never "Done" if you own a 3D printer

One thing I'm starting to realize. Now that I have an LD-002r 3D printer and can actually use it to good effect, I'm starting to look at my old "Done" projects and think hummmm.

I've always had this problem to some extent. Should I add more PE, rigging, decals, flags, touch up the weathering? But now the problem is so much worse. I want to add and replace all manor of things. New/more AA, Radar, auxiliary boats, planes, cranes, catapults, towers (searchlight/AA), stack tops (grates/cages) even entire superstructures.

In the case of my Fujimi 1/450 IJN Kirishima, the entire lower hull. That post will come shortly, not sure if I'll stop there.

And that's the problem, I'd also like to replace Kirishima's Bridge, AA, secondaries, stack tops and more. Should I? Even if it looks way better, have I ruined it? It is a rather hard to find model. And if I 'correct' everything I'd like to, it really wouldn't be the Fugimi Kirishima anymore, would that be bad?