My Graf Zeppelin German aircraft carrier, is complete. She fits in well with the rest of the fleet. A faux WW2 recognition model, she probably has a bit more detail than a real one would’ve but I couldn’t resist, the under deck support details were just too cool to omit. She’s a whopper too, building out to about 21 inches. She was also the most difficult of my recognition replicas to design, her casemated guns were tricky and her high degree of bow flare that blends into the near vertical hanger deck sides took me a while to get right (or at least acceptable) . I actually printed a first draft on the Ender 3 that didn’t look right in hand – huge waste of filament!
I’m thinking I’ll only recreate one each of the light cruisers and destroyers that came in the original 1/500 scale German recognition set. Then I’ll call this project complete. But they’ll have to wait till spring for completion, winter has solidly set in and my resin printing is done in a shed. The Blender work will keep me busy for a bit and I’ve been off and on with a schnellboot design for almost a year…