3d printed ship models

Original Post: 10/07/2019
And now for something completely different
OK, so it’s not that different but V-25 isn’t a US or Japanese warship, she’s German and this 3D printed model isn’t 1/450 scale. In fact, she’s 1/158th scale and measures just a hair over 21 inches in length, shattering my previous build size record by about 5 inches.
So for me, V-25 is at least a bit different. What drove me to such madness you might ask?
World of Warships
I’ve played and enjoyed the game for years but I’ve never really been exceptionally good at it. The games highest accomplishment is the Kraken, it’s awarded for sinking 5 or more enemy ships in one engagement. While difficult for sure, I’ve friends who’ve achieved this feat over 50 and 75 times but me? Never…
For years I’d heard the stories of their latest Kraken battle, every detail etched in their brains and retold to me with great animation and obvious glee. I’d reply with my own sorry tales of Krakenless combat…
No matter how good I’d do, I never got a Kraken.
One fine day I decided to give the German torpedo boat V-25 a spin. Right off, I saw that this little destroyer’s capabilities fit my style of play well. I was getting 3 and even 4 kills almost effortlessly. V-25’s: maneuverability, small size, speed and forward firing torpedoes were for me a winning mix, far outweighing its liabilities: ease of dispatch, tiny guns and slow torpedoes with limited range.
Get Kraken!
And so it was, that during my 5th match in the German V-25 destroyer – After (at least) two years, I got my first Kraken! I took out 6 enemy ships in that match, I also earned the High Caliber award and 2 devastating strikes! Also, I survived the match, my team won and I ranked in first place!
It was a good round 🙂
Right then I knew I’d be making a shrine to the moment, this model is the center piece.
Update: 1-23-2020
I’m pretty happy with the added details and how the paint job/weathering came out. I messed with Cura’s infill settings on V-25 and can’t believe how hollow and light this model is. My DaVinci would have used 3 or 4 times as much PLA. I like working in this larger scale, I can include more details and because of that, I think this project is more realistic looking and interesting. Heck, I was even able to printed my own railings! I used very little metal on this project and even then it was optional. The rigging was a bear, as usual. The thin, tall masts were a challenge to string. I was always walking a tight rope between droopy lines or bent masts and spars… compromises were made.
Over all I’m very happy with this project. I think this scale is a better fit for my hardware, the Ender 3 Pro is still an FDM 3d printer, the material still PLA and the close ups show it.
Meta: Ender 3 pro print example, Ender 3 pro print sample, 3D print, 1/158 scale model, German WWI torpedo boat v-25, WW1 German destroyer, SMS v25, type 1913 destroyer, 3d printed warship, Imperial German Navy
Do you have the STL file for your model shared? I would love to make on myself.
As a rule I do not share or sell my designs – at least not yet…
When I retire in a few years I’ll have the time to look into it.
I hope.
Thanks for showing interest though!
Well thats a bummer.
Hi, it’s me again
I’ve been playing this game for several years and that’s why I came up with the idea to build the V-25. But thank you for the game recommendation.
I would like to thank you for the detailed photos, as they help me a lot with building my SMS V-25 in motion and the information is not very easy to get. 🙂
I’m glad they were of use to you – I’ve found the free online game World of Warships to be an excellent visual resource. I highly recommend it for its extremely detailed viewable ship models which can be zoomed in on and rotated as needed. You don’t need to spend hours or days playing to do this either – all the models are immediately available for viewing (all-be-it in gray scale until you’ve earned the vessel). The only irritation is that after you get the angle you’re after – it will reset to the models default position after a couple minutes.
Also I’ve found the game-play to be very enjoyable.
I agree on the lack of good photos on WW! ships in particular and World of Warships isn’t as helpful when it’s time to paint.
Thanks for the comment but as a rule I don’t give or sell my designs.
I love this. The V-25 is far and away my favorite ship in the game. I have an Ender 3D Printer as well, and would love to get the file from you. I’m TheBoogra in game on the NA server. I cam also give you an email address if you would care to share the file for printing.