Original post:5/28/2018
As mentioned on the Allen M Sumner V2 page – I gave away the first two 3D printed models I completed, one of them being the first Yugumo. She was give to a friend who plays that ship (excessively!:) in World of Warships.
The IJN Yugumo V2 was completed after the IJN Sendai project and being very happy with the outcome of Sendai I tried to make sure the Yugumo V2 would pair up nicely with her. So while I did make a few changes in how I printed the parts, the biggest difference between Yugumo 1 and V2 was that I didn’t bother printing the turreted gun barrels, AA guns, propeller shafts, or boat hoists, preferring to use the wire and thin metal rods that worked so well on the first Yugumo’s main mast and in general on Sendai. I also tried to duplicate the paint scheme of Sendai which was easy because in anticipation of this, I had mixed up enough of the deck and hull colors to do at least two ships.
Again as on Sendai and the Allen M. Sumner V2, I decided not to use PE rails or add rigging, I currently like the less cluttered look without them on these 3D printed ships.
Below are pictures of the print parts, initial assembly and primer coat.