3d printed ship models

Update: 8/2/2020
I’m calling my IJN Nagato project finished for now. The Creality LD-002r printed parts added much needed fine detail and I may add more when time permits. Currently only the AA guns, life boats and life boat hoists are LD-002r printed parts. The detail on the main mast was created with stretched sprue. The biplane is the third unused float-plane from my Fujimi IJN Kirishima.
Currently IJN Nagato’s right up there with USS Texas for my favorite 3D printed ship model. They’re comparable in quite a few ways: level of detail, print& build quality and even era.

Original post: 5/3/2020
IJN Nagato, like USS Texas, is a work in progress. I started printing her while assembling Texas a few weeks ago. Unlike Texas I never got to the point where I stated work on the smaller tertiary batteries. I had realized I’d be getting the Creality LD-002r by that point, so progress has halted until the new printer comes in.
So far I’m quite happy with Nagato’s print and assembly, everything has gone rather smoothly. I had printed and assembled the superstructure parts before making the decision to pick up the LD-002r. I kind of wish I hadn’t, as nice as they are, I’m curious how they would have looked printed on the LD-002r. As is, Nagato’s tower bridge is perhaps the best example of the Ender 3 pro’s ability to print fine detail I’ve been able to pull off. By slightly enhancing Nagato’s actual bridge supports, I was able to print it without using any Cura added supports.
Stay tuned.
Ender 3 pro print example, Ender 3 pro print sample, IJN Nagato, 3D print printed, 1/450 scale ship model, WW2 Japanese battleship warship