3d printed ship models

Posted: 9/27/2020
This is my IJN Mogami build. I chose to portray her after her second major reconstruction into an aircraft cruiser. This configuration always intrigued me, mostly because I just like the looks of her. Her addition will likely complete my 1/450 scale IJN Heavy Cruiser collection, at least for a while.
My Mogami project was in the same state as USS Helena CL50. I had much of the design work done but knew I couldn’t get my Ender 3 Pro to do her details justice. As with Helena, I knew at some point I’d be getting a resin based printer and held off on completing IJN Mogami till then. I’m glad I did, I’m also glad Mogami wasn’t my first choice for an LD-002r project. I learnt a lot on my two USS Texas builds, refined what I’d learned with USS Helena and by the time IJN Mogami was complete, I finally felt I’d an understanding of how to use the LD-002r to good effect.

Not one print failed on the IJN Mogami project, the LD-002r worked perfectly. I didn’t need to clean out the resin vat once! Check out my updated LD-002r First Impressions post to read more about what I’ve learned in order to use the LD-002 more effectively. Long story short, I’m very impressed with the Creality LD-002r’s performance.
I reach a milestone building IJN Mogami, she’s my first project completed solely with Blender. I’ve finally reached the point where I can do everything quicker and easier in Blender. While I wont be uninstalling XYZmaker just yet, the training wheels are off!
Almost done
PS: Sharp eyed Mogami fans will no doubt see many mistakes and inaccuracies. One that I plan to address is the inclusion of her thee bi-planes. I just ran out of ambition to put in the design time. When complete, one will be on the left hand catapult and the remaining two at the back of the aircraft handling deck. I’d say ‘stay tuned!’ but it could take years.
Creality LD-002r printer, LS-002r print example sample, 3D print printed, 1/450 scale warship model, Japanese IJN WWII Aircraft Cruiser, Mogami class, Ender 3 Pro, Chitu Box supports settings
do you sell the stl? i kown there is a link to a mogami stl, but i dont have any idea of how to modify it, i prefer pay you for your ready to print stls…
Thank you for asking – but sorry no, I’m not currently selling or giving away my STL files.