Original post: 08/09/2019
This is IJN Hosho, my earliest print attempt using my Ender 3 Pro shown on this site.
However, It was my third Ender print attempt.
The first was an all-in-one-shot print of the IJN Akizuki, just to see what I’d get.
What I got was a big mess – a mess that still managed to show promise.
Not breaking the Akizuki’s design up for better printing, while desirable, just didn’t work on the Ender.
Somewhat disappointed I tried an IJN Hosho design I’d been working on for a while in Blender (I still do some bits in XYZmaker). It was cut up for printing like I’d done for my DaVinci Mini prints. This came out much better but I still underestimated how difficult the printed scaffolding would be to remove and didn’t like the damage doing so caused. I had much of the ship together before I decided to bag it and re-cut the design into easier to prepare pieces.
This page shows that second design and print attempted at Hosho, and my third print on the Ender 3 Pro.
I was in such a hurry to put Hosho together and get a decent feel for what the Ender could do that I put no thought into how I’d finish paint the interior bits… A mistake I did not repeat on USS Bogue.
So after priming, I took a break from Hosho, and set out to use lessons learned on Bogue. Then on a do-over of Akizuki.
Almost time to come back to Hosho, almost…
Ender 3 pro print example, Ender 3 pro print sample, 3D print printed , 1/450 scale ship model, WW2 Japanese aircraft carrier, warship