Original post: 5/21/2018
Oddly enough I actually gave away the first two 3D printed models I completed. The DD Compton was given to a friend at work who’s dad served on her in the 70s and the IJN DD Yugumo to another friend who plays that ship (excessively!:) in World of Warships. I thought my first couple of efforts might need to be redone anyway so I happily pledged them away. While I’m happy with how they came out I did want to try a few changes on the V2s.
On the Allen M. Sumner V2 I changed how I printed the parts that came out poorly or were needlessly difficult to assemble. I didn’t bother printing the 5″ gun barrels, AA guns or propeller shafts, choosing to use wire and thin metal rods instead. For now I also decided not to do PE rails and rigging as I like the less cluttered look without. I may change my mind about this as a part of me has a hard time calling a WW2 warship done without them… If I ever upgrade my printer I may take another crack at this design but this effort suits me fine.
For the paint scheme, I tried to pull off Measure 22, the deck blue needs to be darker (it’s on the list…) but other than that it’s pretty close and she looks good in these colors sitting next to the USS Helena.
Printed parts below, also initial and fully assembled & primed pictures.