Faux WW2 German Naval Recognition Set – So close to done!

I was using my models in Blender to help design the case and realized with a little extra effort I could have a cool render of what I’m hoping the finished set will look like.

The newer designs still require some tweaks to make them printer ready but the bulk of the Blender work is complete. I may still add utility craft, life boats and planes, though the typical Comet and Framburg recognition models I’ve styled mine after, did not include them.
It seems my projects are never truly done…

The models created for this set are:
– CV Graf Zeppelin
– BB Tirpitz
– BB Scharnhorst
– CA Prinz Eugen
– CA Admiral Scheer
– CL Nuremberg
– CL Köln
– Auxiliary Cruiser Kormoran
– CL Emden
– DD Maass
– Pre-Dreadnaught Schleswig Holstein
– Torpedo Boat Jaguar
– Type IX U-Boat
– Type VII U-Boat

Kormoran, German WW2 Auxiliary Cruiser, Recognition Style Model in 1/500 Scale, Near Complete

While researching famous German WW2 ships to add to my faux German recognition navy, I stumbled upon the Wikipedia story of the Auxiliary Cruiser Kormoran – Wow, what a good read that was! If you’re not familiar with Kormoran’s story I highly recommend you check it out. I was floored that I’d never heard of this ship before, she’s definitely made the list.

Basically a freighter, the Blender design for Kormoran has been a nice change of pace and I’ve found the work quite enjoyable. The end detail level will be fairly low, keeping her more or less consistent with my other WW2 recognition style models. That said, there will still be considerably more detailed than typical. I’d like to do her up proper in 1/350 scale, maybe some day.

In other news, I’ve also finished the designs for the pre-dreadnought battleship Schledwig Holstein and the torpedo boat Jaguar. It’s almost time to add a new project page so I can put all this content in one place…

German WW2 Recognition Model Fleet in 1/500 Scale, Nearing Completion

I took a long design and printing break during the second half 2024, but I’ve recently jumped back in, and am now working on wrapping up my 1/500 scale, WW2 German navy recognition set. I’ve just added the light cruisers Nurenburg, Köln, Emden and the destroyer Maass (Maasz?).

I’m now thinking I’ll be done with the blender work for this project after designing: destroyer Narvic, torpedo boat Jaguar, pre-dreadnought battleship Schleswig-Holstein, and the Auxiliary Cruiser Kormoran, I’m also still on the fence about adding one more destroyer: Z28. I really do enjoy these fast, simple projects!

Perhaps when they are done, I’ll start a meatier subject.