Because a picture is worth 1000 words, text for this post will be brief!
The ability to easily create accurate, detailed, replacement parts for model kits is something I’ve wanted to be able to do ever since I started work on my Hasegawa USS Missouri.. If you’ve read some of my other LD-002r posts you may have seen me struggle to get consistent results with high detail. Well I finally feel I’ve got a good grasp on what the Creality LD-002r 3D printer can do and how to go about doing it. In short I’m in scale model heaven!

And just for the fun of it, some close up pictures of an old favorite of mine: the US 40mm quad Bofors AA gun mount.
This post was a long time in the making – I’d intended to do multiple posts of the various objects but time got away from me, so here they all are in one big exposé. However, while there may be plenty of LD-002r output pictures, this post is short on “how to” information, you can find quite a bit of that in my Creality LD-002r First Print Examples, Experiences, Fails post.